Today Thu 13 Mar 2025 0:01:53 | English | فارسی
Iran Keshti Bahr Co

  IRAN KESHTI BAHR (IKB) co. was registered on 1986. This company is activate in marine products and cargoes, warehousing, goods strip, load counting, goods release and dislodgement form Bandar Abbas and Imam Khomaini ports and customs, designing and manufacturing the marine floating and relevant industries as well as creating installation relating to creation of breakwater jetty and other marine buildings, any operations in connection with supplying, maintaining and repairing all kinds of marine floating, ship and tug-boat, and investing in other companies.
Thanks to its advanced systems as well as warehouse, wharf, loading & unloading equipment for different kind of loads, such as containers and cargos in Bandar Abbas. The company is activate as one of the efficient and valid companies in transportation industries.
After two decades of successful experience in performing the assigned affairs with accompany to specialized and skillful experts, alongside with the development of company’s activities and importance of attracting the client’s satisfaction and necessity of promoting the quality of services,
 IKB has succeed to obtain the certificate of ISO 9001-2000 from EAQA institute of England in 2004.
And now, IKB is the head of transportation holding of EHYAA SEPAHAN industries and mines complex.
Some of the contract partners companies which IKB is honored to cooperate with them:
-    ISFAHAN STEEL joint stock company
-    MOBARAKEH STEEL complex
-    EHYAA SEPAHAN complex
-    Grains company and commerce services of ward six of Hormozgan province
-    CHALAK BAR international transportation company
-    NOVIN ALLOY company in Semnan-Iran
-    PEIVAND BANDAR company
-    SIBAR VA DARYA company
-    RAHNAVARD transportation complex

     Head office: No. 1, TAKADO Bldg., Opp. Of east entrance of Isfahan University, Hezar Jarib St., Isfahan, IRAN.

     Tel/Fax: (+9831) 36682335   &   (+9831) 36684462



Our Address:

Saba Building, Khalili Alley, Saba Blvd, Dr Ali Shariati Ave , Tehran, Iran. Zip Code : 1933814920

Call Us:

Tel: (021) – 28172000
Fax: (021) – 28172000

Office Hours:

Our Support Hotline is available 7 hours a day, Saturday to Wednesday, 8 A.M. to 3 P.M., Iran Time