Today Wed 12 Mar 2025 19:30:09 | English | فارسی
Merat Poolad Engineering Co

With an experience exceeding 44 years of successful efforts in various industries, Merat Poolad is considered as one of the potent subsidiaries of Ehya Inc in the Engineering holding. Merat poolad is active in the fields of designing, engineering, manufacturing and production technology, modelling, casting, metal structure, blacksmithing, machinery and assembling operations, and maintenance. Among the outstanding features of Merat Poolad’s activities are the management of various projects, manufacturing equipment, overhauling heavy industries such as steel, cement, oil, energy, and mining, executing project in the form of EPC contract, repairing the mechanical equipment of state heavy industries specially the steel industries, cement oil, energy and mines.

It is worth mentioning that Merat Poolad is the holder of GC Certificate in the field of metallic industries (rolling, melting, casting and machinability of special parts) as well as the first type manufacturing of machine tools from the Presidency Institution (State Organization of Management and Planning) and also holder of Quality Management Certificates of ISO 9001: 2008, Environment Management Certificate of ISO14001: 2004 and OHSAS 18001-2007 from SGS Co. in Switzerland.

Thanks to its 2000 young manpower and also experienced manpower, Merat Poolad has been
able to obtain its customers' satisfaction.

Office Address: Bldg.No. 84, Opp. of Tower, Azadi St., Isfahan
Tel./Fax: (031) 36692922 - 36689411 - 36682021
Factory Address: Uniti: NexttoZobAhan Factory of Isfahan, Isfahan
Unit 2: Oshtorjan Industrial Park, Isfahan
Tel./Fax (Unit 2): (031) 37582661, 37582657-9

Our Address:

Saba Building, Khalili Alley, Saba Blvd, Dr Ali Shariati Ave , Tehran, Iran. Zip Code : 1933814920

Call Us:

Tel: (021) – 28172000
Fax: (021) – 28172000

Office Hours:

Our Support Hotline is available 7 hours a day, Saturday to Wednesday, 8 A.M. to 3 P.M., Iran Time