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Quality Policy

Ehya Sepahan Industrial and Mining Incorporation commenced its endeavor in 1995 with the mission of Investment. Aligning with developments such as the globalization of economy and commerce, as well as regarding extensions in its domains of activity to promote its efficiency and effectiveness level and also continuous improvement, Ehya Sepahan Industrial and Mining Incorporation declared the principles of ISO 9001:2008 to increase its customer satisfaction based on the standards of System Quality Management:

Constant care about the axiom of customer centrism and focus on the interests of all stakeholders

Exploiting expert, experienced human resource, who are committed to the Incorporations goals in all aspects of its activities, and developing human resource as the most valuable asset of the organization

Making efforts to increase the efficiency of the organization shares and satisfying the shareholders’ interests

 Executing effective management, supervision, and efficiency control methods on the performance of related companies, proportionate with the percentage of the shares that belong to Ehya Inc. in order to increase their capability and efficiency as well as expanding the investments through employing new technology.

Constant improvement of Quality Control System in order to create an appropriate platform to move toward comprehensive quality management and organization excellence

I, hereby, along with the empathy, cooperation and association of the personnel and managers of Ehya Inc. commit to execute the abovementioned principles.

Alireza Haghighi
The CEO and Vice Chairman of the Board

Our Address:

Saba Building, Khalili Alley, Saba Blvd, Dr Ali Shariati Ave , Tehran, Iran. Zip Code : 1933814920

Call Us:

Tel: (021) – 28172000
Fax: (021) – 28172000

Office Hours:

Our Support Hotline is available 7 hours a day, Saturday to Wednesday, 8 A.M. to 3 P.M., Iran Time