Today Wed 12 Mar 2025 14:47:34 | English | فارسی

Ehya Sepahan Industrial and Mining Incorporation was established by the participation of more than 63000 minor shareholders, who mostly belong to low-income social status, and began working after collecting an initial investment of more than 90 billion IRRs to depict a bright future.

We offer our services to our holdings, subsidiaries and their customers, and whomever using their services, develop companies which enjoys direct investment and performs diverse activities, establish and operate mining, production, service, engineering companies, and attend major business activities, finance, economic, and investment markets.

We are moving towards our ambitions with a strong organization structure which is composed of six holdings: mining, industry, construction and engineering services, transportation and marine and port services, financial and banking services and shares, and business.

We believe that retaining and keeping customer satisfaction is above everything, and we are responsible before them.

We attempt to exploit the most advanced technologies, benchmark, achieve the comprehensive and Just-In-Time information, and optimize our current technology in software, hardware, and brainware, stabilize our position among the globally top firms which use verifies technology.

We strive to succeed in domestic market and then, identify and analyze environmental opportunities and threats in line with conserving the internal resources and through establishing branch in some countries, so that we can have an effective and extensive presence in the regional and universal competitive market.

Our perspective is to conserve the rights of our shareholders, customers, employees, and partners; increasing the efficiency; accepting the competition; decreasing costs; creating value; and benefiting from relative advantages, through using our capabilities as well as raising the quality and quantity of our products and services in accordance with global standards.

While making logical, increasing profits, we always attempt to grow and develop our efficiency in accordance with global standards and strive to remain at the 100 top Iranian companies list.

We proudly assert that we managed to collect little investments of shareholders to form a giant incorporation such as Ehya, to play an influential role in the economy and industry.

We rely on our experienced and committed employees (about 5000 and 15000 individuals are directly and indirectly employed, respectively) to do our best to guard our shareholders’ interests by efficiently exploiting the current capacities and creating new capacities, and to serve our duty as veterans of past and revivers of today through creating job opportunities to achieve the great objectives of Islamic Republic of Iran and develop Iran align with the 20-year perspective document.

Ehya Inc. regards its employees as its most important capital. Hence, human resource development, motivating personnel, maintenance, guaranteeing job security, caring for human values, meritocracy, effective and dynamic organization culture, development of relationship based on mutual courtesy and trust between the employees and management, and development of proper work structures have been placed in top agenda.

Our Address:

Saba Building, Khalili Alley, Saba Blvd, Dr Ali Shariati Ave , Tehran, Iran. Zip Code : 1933814920

Call Us:

Tel: (021) – 28172000
Fax: (021) – 28172000

Office Hours:

Our Support Hotline is available 7 hours a day, Saturday to Wednesday, 8 A.M. to 3 P.M., Iran Time