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Ehya Sepahan Industrial and Mining Incorporation was founded in 1995, initially under the name of Ehya Foulad Sepahan Industrial Corporate, as a conglomerate consisting of three major sectors, namely Business, Manufacturing, and Engineering Services, with more than 63,000 stockholders and an initial investment of 90 billion IRRs, to focus on various domains such as Civil and Construction; Banking, Finance, and stock market; Agriculture and Food; Steel and General Contracting (GC); and Rail transportation. Blessed with Iran’s relative advantages, Ehya Sepahan has been ascending its path towards investments with favorable efficiency, more sustainability, and more added value.

In the 2000s, existing expertise and resources as well as domestic demands caused Ehya to develop in the mining and its related industries, so that Ehya made simultaneous investments in different mines such as coal, gold, iron ore, etc. Owning a registered investment of about 700 billion IRRs, Ehya Conglomerate has currently arranged its subsidiaries (which exceed 50 companies) onto six specialized Corporations, namely:

Mining and its Related Industries more info

Industry, and Technical and Engineering Services more info

Business more info

Banking, Bourse, and Finance more info

Transportation more info

Civil and Construction more info

Ehya’s Achievements

Concurrent to the new approach taken by commercial organizations in the province and country, Ehya Industrial and Mining Inc. outstood as the best private organization in Iran as well as the first organization active in investment which was awarded ISO 9001 – 2008 certificate in Quality Management in 2005 by DNV institute. Moreover, Ehya Inc. managed to achieve honors including but not limited to being in the top 100 best companies list, the Premier Entrepreneur in Isfahan Province, the Champion of champions in Iran Industry, and receiving the National Prize of Efficiency and Organization Excellence in successive years.

Significant activities which resulted in flourishing this commercial organization and will remain our everlasting pride include:

Planning and producing several products for the first time in Iran and occasionally Middle East, including but not limited to planning, constructing, and Operating the first Alumina-based Ceramic plants in Iran,

Operating the largest producer of refractories products in the Middle East.

Operating the first and largest Manganese Ore extracting plant in Iran

Operating the one and only GM locomotive in Iran private section and attaining a significant share in the 8-percent increase of cargo shipment capacity of Iran railing system

Operating the largest placer Iron Ore extracting plant of Iran private section

Attaining the Coal Mining Exemplary Unit Award

Attaining the Manganese Mining Extraction Exemplary Unit Award

Attaining the Dolomite Extraction Exemplary Unit Award

Being the only producer of Sponge Iron (Direct-Reduced Iron, DRI) with Ehya exclusive method

Desulfurization of reduction gases in the Drirect-Reduction Method for the first time in the history of Iran steel industry

Owning the biggest exclusive stock broking hall of private section of Iran Bourse

Attaining the Exemplary Mining Unit award in the province and country for several successive years

Attaining several exemplary and superior exporter awards, etc. in the province and country by Ehya subsidiaries

The Goal of Ehya

Regarding our commitment towards our activities and in order to boost our capacities and be in the vanguard of industry and mining, we decided to gradually quit the low-efficiency investment and shift towards more efficient activities.

The most important of the aforementioned withdrawals of investment are:

Withdrawing our investment from Azar Felezan, refractories Industry, ceramic, including Ardakan Industrial Ceramics and Pars refractories, insulating industries including Ayegh Sepahan, Behseram, Takseram, and Tarabgin.

Following these optimum withdrawals, Ehya Sepahan Industrial and Mining Incorporation managed to invest on other sections, namely coal, oil, gas, petrochemicals, and construction.

In accordance with its 5-year strategic plan, Ehya Sepahan Industrial and Mining Incorporation is aiming to create a complete cycle of steel production so that the Incorporation can proudly operate the projects which have been planned and consequently turn this incorporation into a powerful steel company.

The most important goals of our 5-year plan are:

Increasing the production capacity of iron ore mines proportional to the execution of iron ore concentrate project, aiming at supplying raw coal, increasing the production capacity of Manganese mines, developing the service as well as labor market through executing EPC projects, concentration projects, pellet, sponge iron, melting and casting, increasing our market share in upstream section of gas and oil, and also entering the downstream of oil, gas, and petrochemical industry, boosting the trading volume in bourse as well as investigating the potentials of entering the securities market for the selected subsidiaries, establishing trading posts all over the country, developing our transportation services in industry and mining sections of the group as well as anticipating to provide these services for the organizations outside the incorporation or abovementioned sections.

Equipped by state-of-the-art science and capability in producing knowledge, relying on our premiere, expert, responsible, disciplined, team-oriented, and committed human resource, we are determined to work in accordance with the 20-year development prospective document of Islamic Republic of Iran for 2025, and with emphasis on religious democracy, social justice, munificence and human right protection, and social security, we will keep producing quality product with high international standards, and in pace with the rate of world knowledge growth, we will have a more effective presence in the competitive international markets through diversifying our products and timely deliverance of commitments, so that we can play an effective role in achieving top economic stance as mentioned in the development perspective document of Islamic Republic of Iran.

We, in Ehya Industrial and Mining Incorporation, regard every challenge as an opportunity and believe our position, as one of the most renowned pioneers of industry and mining of Iran, has been well established.

If God is willing

Our Address:

Saba Building, Khalili Alley, Saba Blvd, Dr Ali Shariati Ave , Tehran, Iran. Zip Code : 1933814920

Call Us:

Tel: (021) – 28172000
Fax: (021) – 28172000

Office Hours:

Our Support Hotline is available 7 hours a day, Saturday to Wednesday, 8 A.M. to 3 P.M., Iran Time